# 🌈 vue-image-shadow

A Vue image component. Simple realization of image shadow.

npm (opens new window) test-ci

# 📚 Example

Online: https://image-component.github.io/vue-image-shadow/ (opens new window)

# 🌀 Template

https://github.com/one-template/vue-component-template (opens new window)

# 📦 Install

npm i vue-image-shadow
# or
yarn add vue-image-shadow

# 🎉 Usage

// main.js
import ImageShadow from 'vue-image-shadow'
Vue.component('image-shadow', ImageShadow)

# 📔 API

Property Description Type Required Default Version
alt The alt of the image. string - 1.1.0
className Component extra class. string - 1.0.0
shadowBlur The shadow blur of the image. number 20 1.0.0
shadowHover Whether to support the mouse hover. boolean false 1.0.0
shadowRadius The border radius of the image. number 8 1.0.0
src The src of the image. string - 1.0.0
width The width of the image. number 300 1.0.0

# 🔨 Development

yarn start

# License

MIT (opens new window)