# 🎁 Demo

# Base

Basic image settings.


# Hover

Use hoverScale hoverSlope to achieve different hover effects.


For comfort. Suggest

  • 1 <= hoverScale <= 5
  • 10 <= hoverSlope <= 90

# BlendMode

Use blendMode to achieve different background blending effects.


When set true, the default is soft-light. At the same time, you can use shadeColor to set the mixed background color, it default is #000.

More see mix-blend-mode (opens new window). Or refer to the following list:

# mix-blend-mode

Name Chinese Name
normal 正常
multiply 正片叠底
screen 滤色
overlay 叠加
darken; 变暗
lighten 变亮
color-dodge 颜色减淡
color-burn 颜色加深
hard-light 强光
soft-light 柔光
difference 差值
exclusion 排除
hue 色相
saturation 饱和度
color 颜色
luminosity 亮度